
Welcome to my blog!

I hope my hikes can inspire you to step into nature and push your own limits in pursuit of lifewisdom!

Your hikertrash buddy

Anette/ Happycamel

Great news! Opportunities and wildhearts

Great news! Opportunities and wildhearts

Countdown has started. Less than three weeks to go. Right now I feel like I am on top of things. My head above water. It feels surreal. 


I am also  excited to be invited to be one of the 2017 thruhiker bloggers on the website The Trek which is the king of trailwebsites for the Pacific Crest Trail and the Appalachian trail. Thank you Zach Davis (Badger) and Maggie Slepian! I will strive to do my best! So follow me on www.thetrek.co also! Lots of great bloggers and fun reading. I feel really honored to be a part of their team.


A few weeks ago I also had the pleasure of being part of a photoproject of one of my wonderful friends. The project is about Wildhearts; your inner wild woman, about finding your inner strength. We spent an afternoon at the beach in the magic hour before the sunset. My friend is such an excellent photographer and it was a pleasure. So many beautiful pictures. I would really recommend you to take a look at her work at www.wildandfree.no and www.mariavatne.no.


I will blog about my food and resupply in a few days! And a post for The Trek is coming up! Meanwhile enjoy this amazing video about the trail. It touched my heart and made me feel even more excited about the hike. 

✨ Magic does happen ✨

✨ Magic does happen ✨

Long hike - new gear! Yey! The inevitable gearlist

Long hike - new gear! Yey! The inevitable gearlist